I got the front driver side cv joint replaced this weekend on my 93 Altima. That was the only side that needed done. Now its making a loud grinding sound the whole time you drive, it almost sounds like brakes grinding, but it is all the time, except when car is completely stopped. I%26#039;m taking it back this afternoon to have it looked at, but anyone have ideas what this will be?? Thanks|||they tightened the shaft too much and the half shaft is ruining the bearing in the wheel ( half shaft has a spline and nut to bolt through the spindle for the wheel )
too much pressure or toque is causing your problem, take it back to the place that did it,|||Sounds like too much torque on refitting, (tightened too much) causing the bearing to %26quot;great%26quot;, on shaft to bearing housing. If not done, and if this is the cause, it will cause the bearing to %26quot;Shatter%26quot;, or seize up. it will also effect the other bearing, In %26quot;gearbox%26quot; housing, and could damage this one too, or even damage the gearbox and the bearings and even distort the shaft itself. That%26#039;s providing this is the cause.It may be that the wheel hub, or brake disc, has not been alligned properly causing the shaft and bearing to not run %26quot;True%26quot; as it should. whatever the cause, get it checked out for your own safety, and of course, for the safety of others. best wishes, good luck.|||I hate to say this but occasionally the half-shaft sticks like he*l when trying to remove it from the wheel bearing. I%26#039;m betting they ruined the wheel bearing by simply beating on the end of the old half-shaft with a monster hammer to remove it from the wheel bearing.
They probably were too lazy to use a 5 ton three finger wheel puller to gently press the old half-shaft out of the wheel bearing.
You%26#039;ll have to argue with them concerning who%26#039;s responsible to pay for and replace your wheel bearing. I%26#039;d be mad as you already know what. Over tightening the half-shaft nut isn%26#039;t possible unless they used a 4 foot piece of pipe. Even if it was it would not ruin the wheel bearing. It%26#039;s gotta be tight. If it%26#039;s it all loose the wheel bearing will be totally waisted in no time as the CV joint hub will slam against the wheel bearing as the wheels are turned and move up and down.
The half-shaft joint must absolutely be tight against the wheel bearing. The half-shaft CV joints are able to move in and out because of the ever changing up and down movements of the front wheels.