Hi All
I hope there is someone here able to assist me. I have a Corsa Cheetah (Lite shape) and tried changing my CV joint. When I was done the car was fine as I drove it up and down the driveway. Later that day I wanted to go out and reversed my car down the driveway and out the gate. I put the car in firts gear and as I tried to go the car stood still and the engine was running in first gear.
I towed the car back into my yard and jacked it up. The car was now in neautral and I was unable to spin the wheel (Left Wheel). It was not as hooked as if in gear but one would not be able to turn the wheel.
I found thet the wheel on the other side was turning
Is there anything that I might have done wrong. Im no expert when it come to CV%26#039;S but was not willing to pay through mu neck to have it done
Any help please
Rhowen|||Did you remove the entire shaft to replace the joint? If so, have you pushed it fully home into the gearbox? Is the replacement joint the right one (correct shaft size) and were the splines a close match?
Without seeing it the problem, it%26#039;s a little hard to guess.|||PUSH the Shaft all the way in so it connects to the gearbox capeesh!!!
thats what happens when u try to B cheeep :)