Looks like my 2006 sienna%26#039;s CV joint is broken, how much would it cost to fix at Toyota dealer?
is it hard to fix by myself?
if not where can I get the parts?|||It is fairly complicated. Depending on what you mean by broke. But if it started clicking when you turned the wheel to one side or the other, then it probably just wore out. It can be removed and replaced fairly easy. But it takes %26quot;some%26quot; mechanical knowledge to do it. If not look around. Find a good backyard mechanic who can do it for you. If you have a warranty, then for sure take it to the dealer. But you know what those warrants are like. You end up paying more money than you planned. Always happens.|||Don%26#039;t go to the dealer, they will charge you way too much. Go to a good neighborhood shop, same quality work half the price.
You will need the whole axle. Just the cv joint can%26#039;t be replaced if it%26#039;s already broken. And it%26#039;s complicated to do if your a beginner.