Friday, June 3, 2011

How do you change a cv joint on a 2000 kia sephia?

Remove tire

remove axle nut

remove tie-rod cotter pin and castle nut

remove knuckle bolts (2) that connect knuckle to strut

now separate knuckle and strut then move knuckle towards you to make room to flex cv axle out of knuckle. After removing cv axle from knuckle you can take a large pry bar or flat screwdriver and basic go to trans and pop the cv axle out. You will likely lose a little trans fluid but not a ton.

Install new axle by pushing new one into the trans

then into knuckle and reinstalling the two strut to knuckle bolts.

then axle nut, and wheel.. make sure you torque the axle nut some of them are torqued at 200ft-lbs.

reinstall tie-rod, cotter pin and wheel.

If you need any more info email me