Has anyone got any helpful hints about doing this job? I haven't got a workshop manual for the car and I'm told its kind of awkward to remove the old ones. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.
I need to change the cv joints on my 1993 Daihatsu Charade?
I need to change the cv joints on my 1993 Daihatsu Charade?
remove what you ahev to to get it out really onlyt a few thing to loosen or take off most cv joints come off with a good tug or two try typing into search box how to replace cv joint Daihatsu you get this add video andf might find someone who make one sometimes really not a hard job brakes have to come off and you remove bolts in strut lower lower control arm remove like four bolts push or tir back out of way and give axle a few good tugs kind of look at new axle and see what paper that come with it says might help some but heres a few links to look at
simple but sh,,ty job,,as above answer, pull back the rubber boot, good clean, you will see a circlip on main shaft release it and cv will release,