Thursday, September 15, 2011

If I change the Cv joints or wheel bearings on my car do i have to get an alignment done?

I own a 1997 Toyota Camry.
If I change the Cv joints or wheel bearings on my car do i have to get an alignment done?
anytime you work on the drivetrain, axles bearings it is always recommended. it reduces the wear and tear on your tires also having a proper alignment. plus who wants to drive down the road looking at a car driving out of alignment.
If I change the Cv joints or wheel bearings on my car do i have to get an alignment done?
Not unless you previously had aligned with the bad bearings in it.
No. CV axle and/or bearing replacement do not affect alignment angles.
Check with your mechanic to see if he is going to remove the axle shafts. But, I think that if your car is equipped with power steering you don't ever have to have it aligned. Alignment was only necessary on older cars because they were harder to steer since they didn't have power steering.
I concur with the two previous answers, no alignment necessary.
It is recommended but not necessary drive it and see how it feels before you do anything. A good techy should be able to do the job to the point no alignment is needed.
No, the bearings don't change allignment, and neither does the cv joints but you might have to disasemble an alignment point, then realignment is indicated.
If the half-shafts(cv axles) are removed in the correct manner it should not affect your alignment. However, replacement of the front wheel bearings is a different matter. On your car the steering knuckle must be removed from the car and the bearings must be %26quot;pressed%26quot; out and the new ones %26quot;pressed%26quot; back in and the car MUST be re-aligned.
CV joints do not affect tire wear. If your tires are wearing unevenly then get an alignment.